miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Dear Coffee Consumer

November 9, 2011

Dear Coffee Consumer:

I am respectfully addressing you, whether you consume low or high volumes of coffee as I used to do before I went study abroad. I am struggling to maintain my coffee standards but as I am living as a student I have only be able to obtain low to regular quality coffee; I have recently traveled to Chicago, where I discovered that even the most sophisticated and world known places are not able to serve that magic coffee that I need.

I hope that I am not boring you with my stories but I am really concern about you my dear coffee lover, each day I see hundreds of you, buying coffee from different places, without even notice the quality of your beverage. I am not a wine expert but as many of you, I can appreciate a good wine, a refreshing Shiraz or a bold Cabernet Sauvignon.

I must agree that wine is right now, the most sophisticated beverage in the world, but people can enjoy coffee as they enjoy wine. One day we will have single origin fresh coffees everywhere, at affordable but sustainable prices; with professional, dedicated and skilled baristas; everyone is going to recognize the coffee not just for caffeine but for flavors and aromas.

Enjoy all that life can give you, please demand high quality in your coffee.


Jorge Villacorta Melgar

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

The new order.

I keep thinking what the future holds for me, each day I get more convinced on what I am doing and the plans I have in mind, there is no doubt that coffee trading is in my near future but the uncertain of what will I be doing in one year, one decade or even more, is really exciting, because now, I think that frontiers of knowledge are going to be beaten quickly and a sea of possibilities and adventures will be presented to me.

One step at a time I start to get all my ideas align, and just as time pass by, I keep bringing ideas about my long-term objective, make coffee as sophisticated and available as wines or liquors.

Our secret coffee quality society is pernicious and those inside this society need to not only spread out their knowledge and products to the world but they need to market their product as elegant beverages from exporters to clients; brainstorming one day I got a crazy idea of selling the coffee in a totally different way, I am still trying to figure out the science and logistics. The main purpose of my idea is to sell an experience but with quality, you can rest assured that I am not trying to do another green devil (Maybe you get who it is).

Couple of months ago in the WBC (World Barista Championship), I was quietly looking and analysing why is coffee so special, I am pretty sure that it is not only because of the taste or smell, it is not because it gives us a smile every morning or helps us do work at night, maybe but just maybe it is because…..

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Missing coffee!

Less than a month ago, I was in my office preparing myself an exceptional cappuccino, just as any other normal day in my ridiculously coffee based diet. I remember the smell of the fresh grounded coffee beans, those sweet and mellow notes that subconsciously give me a smile. I bear in mind all the blends that I meticulously prepared each Friday afternoon, and then roasted them with particular profiles just to be able to get the most of them; let them rest for a couple of days, with the mystery of how all attributes and qualities are going to be presented to my senses. Then, as the due day came, I refilled my grinder with my new batch and start pulling some espressos, just to adjust my grinder; the first encounter was with that first sip, and if it was good, I prepared my “cap” for the morning. After all this, there I was a month ago in my office enjoying my cappuccino made with only the best beans; knowing that it will be probably the last cup of excellent coffee that I will have for a long time.

Maybe there is not a lot of people who are sharing the same feeling that I have, but you know, when you tasted the best, it is hard to let it go. I am proud of representing the specialty coffee culture, and more particularly the specialty Salvadorian coffees outside of my home country.

One day in a social meeting I said “tasting is not a job is a way of life” and since I have that in mind every aspect of my life has changed.

Now, speaking in present tense, after 4 weeks in Canada I can only say that I really want to be able to get the best coffees of my region to this wonderful people!

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Las mezclas y sus desafíos (Continuación)

Esta época del año siempre es una de las más ocupadas para el sector cafetalero de El Salvador, nos encontramos con muchísimo trabajo el cual no me había permitido escribir en el blog.

Quisiera finalizar la entrada anterior “Las Mezclas y sus desafíos”:

La tercera semana del mes de diciembre, realicé algunas mezclas que me habían solicitado unos clientes, tenía que hacerlas con diferentes cafés salvadoreños, dichas mezclas debían ser similares organolépticamente a unas muestras de Alemania que incluían cafés de la variedad robusta.

La variedad robusta de la especie canephora es muy cultivada en Brasil, África Occidental y Asia, es un café más resistente a climas adversos y a los parásitos que la especie arábica, su siembra es casi siempre en lugares de fácil acceso, lo cual la hace una plantación fácil de gestionar, por estas razones, muchos países la cultivan. Posee en algunas ocasiones el doble de cafeína que la especie arábica pero organolépticamente hablando, no presenta ningún atributo especial, pero vale recalcar, que muchísimos tostadores de café la utilizan debido a su bajo precio, además es un café que puede balancear los sabores en una taza. Para las mezclas de espresso, muchos baristas utilizan el café robusta para mejorar la crema.

Atributos organolépticos de la variedad robusta: Sabor neutral y áspero, posee sabores a granos como maní tostado o cebada.

Como consumidores de café arábico estoy seguro que a la mayoría se nos haría difícil tomar una taza de café hecho en su totalidad de la variedad robusta, pero más de alguna vez fuera del país, hemos tomado café con alguna cantidad de ella. El reto que me han dado es contrario al que estoy acostumbrado ya que ahora no se trata de crear mezclas de calidad, sino de emular un café de no muy buena calidad y de orígenes desconocidos, solo utilizando cafés de El Salvador.

Realicé una catación rápida para ubicarme en el perfil de sabor que poseían las muestras, y así determine que necesitaba 5 tipos de cafés tanto lavados como no lavados. Luego de varias sesiones de catación y tostado, pude encontrar lo que para mi paladar era lo más cercano que se podía llegar, pero luego de este ejercicio aprendí que un café con un alto porcentaje de robusta es virtualmente imposible de emular con un café arábico a pesar de esta aseveración, logré obtener un café con las mismas características pero sin ese desagradable sabor a granos secos que brinda el robusta; ahora es responsabilidad del cliente, saber vender este café a los tostadores europeos ya que para un paladar conocedor es un café de mejor calidad pero para el consumidor promedio puede significar un cambio desagradable de la mezcla.